November Donations – Wellwood

Every month we randomly choose a department within the Company to select a charity for donation.

In November, our Logistics team selectedWellwood

“On Sunday October 15, 2023 one of our employees ran a 5km race at McMaster University called Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel. An event that would support people who have been diagnosed with cancer and help them live a more happier life.  Seeing the commitment our employee showed for this event we decided as a team to show him our support and donate to his charity.  ” stated Charife, Operations Manager.

The vision at Wellwood is to share the wisdom gathered from experience of those who live and work with cancer to ease the journey for all.

Wellwood is an accessible and inclusive space, offering programs, groups, self-help resources and 1:1 peer mentoring online to anyone who has received a diagnosis of cancer, loved ones, and caregivers.

Hamilton Health Sciences is a proud partner with Wellwood to offer this service to their patients and those who care for them.

The Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel event dedicated to “Kicking Cancer’s Butt” had two race times:

  • KIDS 1km “Best Effort” clocked time
  • ADULT/YOUTH 5K “Walk/Run/Wheel” clocked time

Goal to raise $50,000



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