CS-1 Transportation Inc. is a strong believer in social responsibility by giving back to our community.

Every month we donate $1 for every transaction to a charity selected by our teams.

The charity selected by our accounting team this month is Indigenous Women’s Fund of Canada

After celebrating Canada Day this year one of our dedicated employees suggested this charity to show support for Indigenous women.

Volunteering at various street mission organizations, Elaine from our accounting department became acquainted with some Indigenous women who were working hard to attain a better life for themselves and their family.

“Donating would help bring positive changes for their future in so many ways” stated Elaine.

Indigenous Women’s Fund of Canada support a range of programs for Indigenous women’s education, empowerment, micro-loans, healing centres, museums and other important activities.  Empowering women for a brighter future.

One of the charity’s mandates is a “Commitment to advanced education by providing publicly available scholarships, bursaries, and other forms of financial assistance to women and youth.



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